Who can resist this young fireman? I was surprised that I actually got this good of a picture of Nathan in his hat considering that he doesn't like anything on his head! He is changing so much, that it's hard to believe that he is going to be 1 soon! He is doing so much and talking all the time. He can say "bye bye dada" and wave at the same time, momma, ball, and what sounds like "Parker" when he says" papa" or it could be grandpa too. He loves his big brother and constantly follows him around.
Another HUGE exciting milestone that Nathan accomplished just tonight actually was that he took his first steps!!!!!! I was holding on to this little soccer ball and Leland was holding on to him and he was reaching out towards the ball. I was encouraging him to walk to the ball and then all of a sudden, bing bang boom........ he took 4-5 small steps!!!! And of course, I didn't have my camera ready, so I had to go run quick and grab it. I was hoping that I would capture the special moment again, and I got a couple steps, but not as good as when he first did it. My little man is going to be walking soon!