Monday, June 30, 2008

Anyone say fire?

Who can resist this young fireman? I was surprised that I actually got this good of a picture of Nathan in his hat considering that he doesn't like anything on his head! He is changing so much, that it's hard to believe that he is going to be 1 soon! He is doing so much and talking all the time. He can say "bye bye dada" and wave at the same time, momma, ball, and what sounds like "Parker" when he says" papa" or it could be grandpa too. He loves his big brother and constantly follows him around.
Another HUGE exciting milestone that Nathan accomplished just tonight actually was that he took his first steps!!!!!! I was holding on to this little soccer ball and Leland was holding on to him and he was reaching out towards the ball. I was encouraging him to walk to the ball and then all of a sudden, bing bang boom........ he took 4-5 small steps!!!! And of course, I didn't have my camera ready, so I had to go run quick and grab it. I was hoping that I would capture the special moment again, and I got a couple steps, but not as good as when he first did it. My little man is going to be walking soon!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Future Firemen

The MOMS club that I belong to had a Denton Fire Station tour set up to take the kiddos to. Parker was curious as usual, wanting to push every button that he saw, and loved getting up in the drivers seat in the BIG firetrucks! Nathan wasn't sure what to think, but liked looking at the red firetrucks and the lights and sirens. Parker had a chance to hold a little hose and spray like a real fireman. Nathan didn't like keeping his little hat on his head as you can see, he was ready to take it off and Parker was trying to keep it on his head.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Watch out!

We decided to get down the toy we got Parker when he turned 1, so Nathan could begin pushing it around. Parker wasn't sure he was ok with his little brother playing on his toy, but he said it was fine. As soon as we brought it out Nathan's eyes got BIG and you could tell that he wanted to play with this new exciting toy! He immediately wanted to go and push it and he walked really well behind it. Then we sat him on it and he looked like such a big boy! Parker enjoys pushing him around on it.

Yummy noodles

Nathan was sure enjoying his noodles at lunch today. He had a little difficulty picking them up with his hands, but he had fun trying. Nathan is our garbage disposal per say, he will eat everything we put in front of him. Just the other day he had asparagas!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

visit with grandma

We went back to IA at the beginning of May for our newphew's first communion and my mom came up to visit us. She was so excited to see her grandchildren. The boys had a great time with their grandma since we only get to see her maybe once or twice a year, so we had to make the most of the time we had together. As you can see from the smiles on their faces, they had a blast with grandma!

My boys

Here are some recent pictures of the boys. They are growing so much each day! I can't believe that Nathan is going to be 1 next month and Parker will be 4 in Aug.!

Welcome to my site.................

Well, here it is! It's taken a long time to get this together, but I've decided to go ahead and begin this website...............