Monday, December 15, 2008

Random pictures

Wow, its been a little while since I have posted anything to my website here, sorry about that! Things have been really busy lately, between working at Bath and Body Works, being part of MOMS Club, and being Parker's room mom at school, time just gets away from me..............
However, this past weekend my friend Marsha had a Christmas party at her house and Leland and I went, yes we actually got a babysitter this time!!!!!! Leland's brother very graciously offered to watch the boys so we could go out and enjoy ourselves. We had a great time, and Parker had a blast playing Hi Ho Cherry O with his uncle and other games, so it was a win win situation! This party was a dress up party, so it gave me a good excuse to get all decked out in a fancy black dress, put some makeup on and fix my hair. Because being a stay at home mom, that doesn't happen very often, most of the time I'm just in sweat pants and a t-shirt and my hair is pulled back in a ponytail.
The second picture is of Nathan and I at the MOMS Club Christmas party that I hosted at my house today. We had a good turnout, given that the weather was really cold today, (temps didn't get out of the lower 30's) and its so close to Christmas time.
The last picture I took of the boys before I took Parker to school this morning. Parker saw that I had the camera and he wanted his picture taken with his little brother. Aren't they so darn cute!!!! There is no doubt that those 2 silly boys are brothers!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Glad you guys could get out for a night to yourselves. I know what you mean about being a SAHM...and not getting fixed up very often:) Hope you had a blast!
