Friday, April 17, 2009

Parker's Easter party/hunt

Parker had his Easter egg hunt/party on April 8th at his school, Footprints Preschool. It was a beautiful day out and perfect for a Easter egg hunt. I brought Grandma Oldham with me to watch Parker collect his eggs. Each kid in the class were to collect 12 eggs. After the hunt I managed to get a picture of Parker with the Easter bunny. Last year Parker wanted nothing to do with the Easter bunny, wouldn't even get close to the bunny. After the Easter egg hunt I went home and then I came back at 1pm to have a little party for the kids in the classroom. Since I am the room mom for the class, its part of my responsibility to plan parities and activities in the classroom. I had each child make a bunny ear hat for them to wear. I had the color the ears and then I stapled them to piece of construction paper that wrapped around their head. The kids had fun coloring the ears and were 'hopping' all over the classroom. I captured a cute picture of the class with their bunny ears on. After that I brought some sugar cookies for each child. The kids all had fun and I'm sure all the parents loved me for getting their child all sugared up....hehehe!

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