At Parker's Preschool the 3 pre-K classrooms have what is called a Thanksgiving Feast. The parents signed up to bring things for the meal, such as a turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, etc. I made 2 sweet potato pies! The feast is for all the kids on the pre-K classes and their families. They had each table designated for each classroom and each child made their own place mat. The picture above is of Parker's place mat with the picture of his hand as the turkey, how cute! Everyone got their share of food, and Parker actually did well and finished his plate. He was all into getting dessert, so once he finished his plate he went straight for the cookies! Can't keep away a kid from cookies! Then after we were done eating we had family pictures taken in front of this wonderful display the Pre-K teachers put together. Leland wasn't able to make it to the dinner, but we captured a good pictures of me and the boys. Nathan was getting a little restless at this point, but he managed to make it through pictures.
The very top picture is of a drawing that Parker made in school today stating what he was thankful for. It made be a little hard to make out, but it reads, "Parker is thankful for his baby brother." My heart just about sank when I read that, just what a mother wants to hear..........awwwwww:) The other people that he drew on the paper were of mommy, daddy, a tree, and a pumpkin with a smiley face. Parker sure has one great imagination, and loves to draw and tell stories about his drawings!
The last picture is of Parker saying his prayer right before we ate. He looks so cute with his hands folded saying his prayer, "God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food Amen."