Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fun in the leaves!

It was a beautiful fall day on this first day of November in Texas and we were outside doing some yard work. We have many oak trees in our front and back yard and they are piling up everywhere. I decided to get a rake out and begin raking some of the leaved in big piles. Well, you know what kids are going to do when they see a BIG pile of leaves don't ya...............yup you thought right, JUMP right in!!!!! Parker couldn't wait until I had a huge pile of leaves and he took a leaping jump into them! Well, once Nathan saw what Parker was doing it didn't take long for little brother to follow in big brothers footsteps. Nathan has sure become really aware of what Parker does and he wants to do what he does. I guess I have to come to expect that:)
Nathan has this little broom that is just his size and he loves to use it to sweep the leaves in the driveway. It's so cute to watch him sweep, he's my big helper. Every minute that we have to be outside, Nathan wants to be outside playing. He loves to dig in the dirt, play in the sand, and its so cute to watch him draw with sidewalk chalk.

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