Friday, November 7, 2008

Our future Hawkeye!

Nathan got this Hawkeye jersey for Christmas last year, and he can now fit into it. Aunt Eileen and Uncle Chris will appreciate this jersey being worn by their newphew! ( since they are Iowa Hawkeye fans and they are the ones who got Nathan the jersey) Nathan was in such a happy mood this morning when I decided to capture some pictures of him. He loves to have his picture taken, however he is really beginning to like the camera a little bit too much and he wants to constantly grab at it and push the buttons. I captured the perfect pose of him putting his hands above his head. We have been saying, "How big is Nathan?" lately and as we say it we put our arms above our heads and he loves to do everything we do. So now all we have to say is, "how big is Nathan?" and he will usually put his hands above his head all on his own.
It's unbelievable to me just how much Nathan has grown! He will be 16 months old on Nov. 21st already! He is definitely developing his own personality. He wants to do what big brother Parker is doing, and follows him around. Lately he has been climbing on top of the train table in Parker's room and thinks it is funny and will jump and hop around. Most of the time I will just ignore him and then he will eventually get down because I'm not showing him the attention that he wants, but I still have to watch him close so he doesn't fall off.
He is speaking more and more syllables each day. The other day we were all outside and Leland and I were working in the garage and all of a sudden Nathan said something and we both looked at each other and said, " did he just say what I thought he said?" It amazes me how parents can understand what their child says and to anyone else it makes no sense. What was really weird is that Leland and I were both thinking the same thing as to what we thought Nathan said. Nathan amazes us each and everyday......

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