Saturday, February 28, 2009

Parker's first soccer game!

Ok, let me just start by saying that Texas weather is so messed up!!!! Just 2 days ago the temp was 80 and it was so nice today its cold and windy with temps only in the upper 40's lower 50's. I took many different video clips of Parker and his team, but for some reason I couldn't or this blogger wouldn't let me upload it. After about 50 minutes later the game was over and Parker had a lot of fun!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nathan's 1st trip to the dentist

Today was Nathan's first trip to the dentist. I thought I would make an appointment for both boys to get them both done at the same time. Wow, was I in for a challenge! They saw Parker first and he got X-rays taken of his mouth. At first he was ok with it until the lady told him to bite down on the hard black plastic piece, then he started backing away. I just kept telling him how brave he was and how proud of him I was for doing this and that mommy had a surprise waiting for him afterwards. You are all probably wondering if Parker has been to the dentist before and the answer is yes, its just been awhile ( I know bad mommy). After encouraging words from mom and the staff Parker made it through the X-rays and thought it was neat he could see his entire mouth on the computer screen. The next part took a little more encouragement and persuasion. For some reason he didn't want to sit in the big comfy chair and then when it came time to put that napkin type thing around his neck he began freaking out again. Just then the lady gave Parker a pair of sun glasses to wear ( usually worn for the bright lights) and that made him happy. Not to mention that this dentist is called Dental Depot and they have a BIG green train outside their building along with 2 train tables inside to play plus a train that runs on a track throughout the entire building, its the neatest thing! So every few seconds the train would come through the room he was in and that helped distract him:) Parker did very well with opening his mouth wide for the dentist and let them clean his teeth. The dentist said overall Parker has great teeth, however he needs to brush his back teeth better and begin flossing on a regular basis. After everything was all said and done Parker got to chose a toy out of the basket for being a good patient. then he was off to play on the train table and then it was Nathan's turn.........................
I already knew going in that it was going to be a bit difficult for Nathan. He sat on my lap and loved getting a new toothbrush. I thought that was a great way to "distract" him so they could look in his mouth...............right?.............well, kind least for a few seconds. The lady tried to brush his teeth and he let her for oh all about 2.2 seconds and then he was turning around looking at me like, " mom what are you letting them do to me?" Lucky for me every time the train came through the room it distracted him for a short while. By the time the dentist came in to look in his mouth he wanted nothing to do with him. He was encouraging Nathan to say "ahhhhh" which Nathan did, but not long enough or wide enough for him to really see his back teeth. Nathan was all into his new toothbrush and kept grabbing for his little tube of toothpaste and as you can see in the picture he was trying to put toothpaste on the brush. After many attempts to see in the back of his mouth it was decided that we would no longer push the issue. The dentist did get to see all of his front teeth and some of his back teeth. He did notice that he has some molars coming in.
So 30 minutes later the boys were finished and each got their goodie bags filled with a new toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and a sticker. You all wondering what the big surprise was for Parker??? I wanted to take him to the park that looks like a big wooden castle, but he said he was hungry instead so we went to Arby's for a treat and then went home to get ready for soccer practice. Be on the outlook for pictures from Parker's 1st soccer game which is this Sat. his little uniform is so cute!

Mardi Gra parade

On Tuesday the 24th the city of Lake Dallas had a Madri Gra celebration. I took the boys to a parade they had and also some games. They had a big bouncy house that Parker loved! Then he spotted the rock climbing wall and said he wanted to do it. I had to make sure I heard him right, you really want to try this, are you sure? HE was like, "yeah, yeah, mom, I want to I want to! So we stood in line for his turn and when it came time, I could tell he was a little hesitant, but still ecstatic. He stood there very patiently while they attached the belt around his waist and legs. They also gave him a sticker that said, "I climbed the rock wall today!" He wasn't quite sure on how to start, so with a little help of the rock wall staff, he began his way up. He made it up about half way, then he started getting scared, so he came down. Shortly after that the parade started. The boys each got a couple pairs of beads to wear and Parker got some candy. It was a very short parade, well what do you expect for a small city of Lake Dallas? But at least the boys enjoyed themselves and the weather was beautiful, so that made it even better!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tour of Corinth Police Car/Motorcycle

As part of my MOMS Club I belong to, I arranged for the club to have a tour of the Corinth Police Station along with a car and motorcycle. Nathan was a little uncertain as to what was really going on, but Parker was all into it! When it came time to sit on the motorcycle Parker was jumping up and down ready to go! I think we may have a future police officer on our hands. He thought it was cool to wear the helmet and pretend to rev up the motorcycle. There were 4 officers giving us a tour of everything and they were the nicest officers! They gave each of the children a bag of "goodies" which included a couple coloring books, a sticker, a pencil, and a ID kit. Plus they gave each child a Junior Officer sticker badge. That made them feel really important!
When it came time to tour the police car, Nathan insisted he get in the back seat. He loved crawling up in the backseat and just sitting there. I told one of the officers standing next to me that I hope I never see him in the back of this car ever!
We all know how Parker loves to pose for the camera, so he didn't have a problem standing next to Officer Weertman(the woman police officer) and Officer Brock. I have had previous communication with Officer Weertman ( not to worry, I have not been in trouble.........I know some of you were thinking it!) and she has done a car seat inspection for me, so she knows me, which makes me feel safe in the community that I actually know a police officer just in case. All in all the kids really enjoyed the tour and Parker and Nathan loved it too! After the visit I took the boys to the park because towards the end they were running all over the place, so I had to take them to release some energy!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Boys in the backyard

The weather was absolutely gorgeous today.............only in Texas can it be in the 70's in February! Since the day was so nice I decided to have the boys play outside as much as possible to enjoy the fresh air and to play. We know that the weather here in TX can change drastically overnight, and there is a cold front coming in, so I decided that we needed to take advantage of the day. Now that Parker is in soccer, we are practicing each day and of course Nathan LOVES to be outdoors too. Each year around this time is when I notice the daffodils ( I think that is what those yellow flowers are in the pictures) starting to bloom in the backyard. I just couldn't resist to have the boys sit by the flowers and capture a picture. I LOVE the first picture of Nathan smelling the flower. It was funny that after he smelled the flower he said, "wow!" well, at least that is what I thought he said. Parker didn't have any problems posing for the camera. Just trying to get the both of them to look at the camera at the same time, now that is the challenge. I also have this oval rectangle shaped thing I found in the backyard when I was doing some yard work recently and I just have it sitting up in the back yard. Well, Nathan decided to climb in it and he sat cute!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Nathan's Valentine's party

The MOMS Club of Corinth that I belong to had a Valentine's party today. Each child brough Valentine's to hand out to everyone. The kids also had the chance to decorate cookies and a bag to take their Valentines home in. Every mom brought a little something to share with everyone. I made home made salsa with my quick chef ( from Tupperware and the best product EVER!). Nathan enjoyed decorating his cookie and it's like he knew exactly what do to with the knife ( scary thought). After spreading the frosting a couple times he just decided to stick his fingers in it instead, that is the best part right? Then it was on to decorate his bag for his Valentines. The mom that was hosting the party got some foam hearts that you just peel off and stick, which made it great for the kids! Nate loved sticking the hearts on his bag. It was funny watching him trying to put the heart on the bag especially when he had the heart turned around and it was stuck to his finger and couldn't get it off:)
Finally 2 hours later Nathan was getting tired, so it was time to go home. All in all it was a very fun party!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Parker's Valentine's Party at school

Parker had his Valentine's party at Footprints Preschool today. Since I am Parker's room mom its my responsibility to plan the party. I developed a sign in sheet for parents to sign up for things, planned games and activities. It can be a lot of work, but I enjoy doing it:)
The first game I had the children play was "pin the nose on the big red heart". I blind folded each child and they had a white heart with their name on it and then I spun them around 3 times and then they were supposed to put their heart where they thought the nose should go. It was quite funny to see where the hearts ended up. Parker (as you can see in the picture) placed his heart up by the eye. After playing that game a couple times it was time to move on to the craft activity. I had each child make their own bird that was made entirely of yellow and orange hearts. I wrote the saying, " Someone thinks you're "tweet!" As you can see in one of the pictures Parker was gluing on his orange feet and in the other picture I was trying to capture the entire class with their birds( which was a little difficult). The entire class was so crazy with making bird and duck noises that it was a little hard to get them to calm down, but all I had to say was......................its time to decorate cookies!!!!!! Each child got a BIG heart shaped cookie to decorate with frosting and sprinkles. Even the mom who made the cookies gave Nathan was, which he was really excited about! I like the picture of Parker and Nathan together eating their cookies, so cute! Time went by so fast that before you know it the clock read 1:15pm. I decided to let Parker go and play with his friends to burn some sugar off and Nathan too! After playing for a few minutes we left for home. Nathan was so tired he fell asleep on the way home. Parker on the other hand could not wait to open each of his Valentine's. It was a very fun day!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Parker's 1st soccer practice

Parker had his first soccer practice, EVER! This is the first time that Parker has been part of a team. He had practice at 5pm at the Lake Dallas City park. There they have a huge area to practice soccer. This is also the area where he will have most of his games. Parker was so excited to go to practice that he wanted to leave early. Needless to say we were there at 4:40pm and he was just kicking the ball around. I told him to slow down so he would have plenty of energy to play when he practice did start. He met his coach, Coach Tony. He wasn't shy at all, he went up to his coach and introduced himself. They practiced kicking the ball into the goal, learning to control the ball and kicked the ball and went around a cone and back to their spot. It was a little hard for Parker to control the ball because he has so much strength, but it will come with time. He has about 6-7 boys on his team. His first official game will be February 28th, so we will be busy practicing each day!!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Sweet Boy

I went into Nathan's room yesterday to wake him from his nap ( yes I know I'm waking him up!) because he had been sleeping for nearly 3 hours, so I thought I would go check on him. I walked in and found him still in a deep sleep.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It was the cutest thing that he little finger was on his face like he was having a dream or thinking about something:) So I hurried up and grabbed the camera and snapped this picture. I have to capture moments like this because my little boy is growing up WAY TO FAST!!!! I can describe this picture in one word: priceless................