Today was Nathan's first trip to the dentist. I thought I would make an appointment for both boys to get them both done at the same time. Wow, was I in for a challenge! They saw Parker first and he got X-rays taken of his mouth. At first he was ok with it until the lady told him to bite down on the hard black plastic piece, then he started backing away. I just kept telling him how brave he was and how proud of him I was for doing this and that mommy had a surprise waiting for him afterwards. You are all probably wondering if Parker has been to the dentist before and the answer is yes, its just been awhile ( I know bad mommy). After encouraging words from mom and the staff Parker made it through the X-rays and thought it was neat he could see his entire mouth on the computer screen. The next part took a little more encouragement and persuasion. For some reason he didn't want to sit in the big comfy chair and then when it came time to put that napkin type thing around his neck he began freaking out again. Just then the lady gave Parker a pair of sun glasses to wear ( usually worn for the bright lights) and that made him happy. Not to mention that this dentist is called Dental Depot and they have a BIG green train outside their building along with 2 train tables inside to play plus a train that runs on a track throughout the entire building, its the neatest thing! So every few seconds the train would come through the room he was in and that helped distract him:) Parker did very well with opening his mouth wide for the dentist and let them clean his teeth. The dentist said overall Parker has great teeth, however he needs to brush his back teeth better and begin flossing on a regular basis. After everything was all said and done Parker got to chose a toy out of the basket for being a good patient. then he was off to play on the train table and then it was Nathan's turn.........................
I already knew going in that it was going to be a bit difficult for Nathan. He sat on my lap and loved getting a new toothbrush. I thought that was a great way to "distract" him so they could look in his mouth...............right?.............well, kind least for a few seconds. The lady tried to brush his teeth and he let her for oh all about 2.2 seconds and then he was turning around looking at me like, " mom what are you letting them do to me?" Lucky for me every time the train came through the room it distracted him for a short while. By the time the dentist came in to look in his mouth he wanted nothing to do with him. He was encouraging Nathan to say "ahhhhh" which Nathan did, but not long enough or wide enough for him to really see his back teeth. Nathan was all into his new toothbrush and kept grabbing for his little tube of toothpaste and as you can see in the picture he was trying to put toothpaste on the brush. After many attempts to see in the back of his mouth it was decided that we would no longer push the issue. The dentist did get to see all of his front teeth and some of his back teeth. He did notice that he has some molars coming in.
So 30 minutes later the boys were finished and each got their goodie bags filled with a new toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and a sticker. You all wondering what the big surprise was for Parker??? I wanted to take him to the park that looks like a big wooden castle, but he said he was hungry instead so we went to Arby's for a treat and then went home to get ready for soccer practice. Be on the outlook for pictures from Parker's 1st soccer game which is this Sat. his little uniform is so cute!
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