Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Parker's Valentine's Party at school

Parker had his Valentine's party at Footprints Preschool today. Since I am Parker's room mom its my responsibility to plan the party. I developed a sign in sheet for parents to sign up for things, planned games and activities. It can be a lot of work, but I enjoy doing it:)
The first game I had the children play was "pin the nose on the big red heart". I blind folded each child and they had a white heart with their name on it and then I spun them around 3 times and then they were supposed to put their heart where they thought the nose should go. It was quite funny to see where the hearts ended up. Parker (as you can see in the picture) placed his heart up by the eye. After playing that game a couple times it was time to move on to the craft activity. I had each child make their own bird that was made entirely of yellow and orange hearts. I wrote the saying, " Someone thinks you're "tweet!" As you can see in one of the pictures Parker was gluing on his orange feet and in the other picture I was trying to capture the entire class with their birds( which was a little difficult). The entire class was so crazy with making bird and duck noises that it was a little hard to get them to calm down, but all I had to say was......................its time to decorate cookies!!!!!! Each child got a BIG heart shaped cookie to decorate with frosting and sprinkles. Even the mom who made the cookies gave Nathan was, which he was really excited about! I like the picture of Parker and Nathan together eating their cookies, so cute! Time went by so fast that before you know it the clock read 1:15pm. I decided to let Parker go and play with his friends to burn some sugar off and Nathan too! After playing for a few minutes we left for home. Nathan was so tired he fell asleep on the way home. Parker on the other hand could not wait to open each of his Valentine's. It was a very fun day!

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